Thursday, February 25, 2010


I really like cereal. I decided that I am going to try and eat every cereal that HEB stocks. This means thats that every trip to HEB will include a purchase of a different cereal. So far I have consumed the usual: Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Fruit Loops, Rice Crispies,Frosted Cheerios, Lucky Charms and Shredded Mini Wheats Maple & Brown Sugar. Currently MC is eating Shredded Mini Wheats Blueberry Muffin. All of these cereals afformentioned are great and should be eaten as you may well know. Let journey begin.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Made My Bed Now I'll Lie In It

About a month ago I was pretty much ready to quit cycling. I wasn't burnt out just frustrated. I was tired about being patient. I was tired of sacrificing things in general in order to train. I just wanted to see that all my work was worth something. I felt like last season, my first season, was a big ball of disappointment. Every time I raced I would end up being pissed about something. It seemed like I would train hard for a race and feel great only to make a stupid mental mistake. A lot of the time I would think about the race days later and just couldn't let it go. I would make excuses or second guess myself.
As of the late I have noticed some positive signs. These signs changed my attitude around. I know now that I can only control the things that I do. In negative situations or situation that simply didn't turn out how I wished, I must break the situation down honestly and subjectively. This means recognizing my flaws without making excuses for them and consequently working towards a solution. This also means that I must not overlook the things which I have done effectively and correctly.