Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Republicans are like kids from your high school!

It's true, Republicans are like kids from your high school. Let me explain. Republicans are like that kid you went off campus to lunch with who always said no to your restaurant suggestions, but didn't offer up his own ideas. How is this so? It's simple, they have become the party of no. "Spending?" "no!" "what should we do?" " I don't know, I'm not your friend guy!" You get the idea. Republicans are also like that kid who would copy your shoes, clothes, haircut etc. If you got a Hillary Clinton for your birthday they would get a Sarah Palin with the money they got for getting straight B's. If you worked hard and got yourself a Barack Obama they would get their parents to by them a Michael Steele. 
My advice to the Republicans is... be yourselves... except a lot more moderate. It would also help to bring some fresh ideas to the "no" table. 

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